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Notes From Me |
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Below are some photos of where I have been living. To Japan, and especially Kamikura-San, Go chi so sama, and also to Rie, Yuka, Yohko, Satake, Hisako, Yusui Tim and Sakiko, Jo, Becca, Ray and Alex. Mada, ne. Ai ai. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thursday, February 17, 2005
![]() For some reason bucket lady has had a cough for almost two months. The always doubled, "hhhggsssch-hhgsscchhh" of it can be heard sometimes around 7:30am. In a dream this morning I was walking with an old woman to an outdoor event at the sea. When we got to the shore I saw one of those oil-wringing machines that bob like automatic birds, but it had a guy inside at some controls, and he was dunking and rising in the shallow surf. He looked rather maniacal. The lady, who when we sat down was blathering pleasantly and informedly, was somehow my girlfriend (and about eighty years old) or my new lover or something. As soon as I understood this I was quite against the idea so I left her there. I walked still dreaming towards Jusco (the big department/grocery store here) but found myself on a rooftop that was under construction. I could see the store, but between I and it were ocean inlets and small mountain dunes. I went the way I thought would bring me to Jusco, but ended up at the seaside Natchi station (which has no humans working at it in actuality or in the dream). Incoming waves kept rushing at my socked feet, which was bothersome, then I saw an enormous wave, bigger than any mountain. I decided to forget Jusco. And I realized. So I turned and ran and shouted to myself in my mind, "Wake up! Wake up!" so pleased to have noticed that I could get out of this scene, but I didn't wake up so I decided to fly. Over the lush mountains and blocks of partial town with silent people and bleached out buildings I flew toward home but I kept ending up at the sea. Once I swooped a little and saw a tall bent man with disheveled hair who was muttering and complaining and leaning on a cane. I asked myself to "Please fly me home," as it was pretty windswept and desolate and strange there. But I didn't wake up and kept flying. Then bucket lady coughed, which of course sounded as if she were in my bedroom, and in that instant I was able to open my eyes and behold my ceiling. ![]() Tuesday, February 15, 2005
The dull light fell more faintly upon the page whereon another equation began to unfold itself slowly and to spread abroad its widening tail. It was his own soul going forth to experience, unfolding itself...spreading abroad the bale-fire of its burning stars and folding back upon itself, What is audible is presented in time, what is visible is presented in space. But, temporal or spatial, the esthetic image is first luminously apprehended as selfbounded and selfcontained upon the immeasurable background of space or time which is not it. You apprehended it as one thing. You see it as one whole. You apprehend its wholeness. That is integritas. not related to the title of the this post; from joyce Sunday, February 13, 2005
Japanese Valentine's Day consists of women and girls giving chocolate and gifts to male family members and boyfriends. Later in March, there is White Day, when men and boys give white chocolate to women and girls. Here people are also obliged to give their coworkers chocolate, but often people give giri-giri chocolate, which means cheap, obligatory chocolate. I haven't bought any chocolate, but I did bring shu cream and other pastries to my first class this morning. For reasons that had nothing to do with hate or anything goth, but perhaps from jadedness over commercialism, and perhaps a touch of reactionism, when my friend Summer and I were 17 and 18 we wore all black each Valentine's Day. As far as the colors of Valentine's Day, I still think red and pink look pretty bad together. The popular customs associated with Saint Valentine's Day undoubtedly had their origin in a conventional belief generally received in England and France during the Middle Ages, that on 14 February, i.e. half way through the second month of the year, the birds began to pair. This coincides a bit with Imbolg, meaning ewe's milk, an old Celtic/Wiccan holiday that marked the courting of the young goddess and the god, and of the arrival of spring soon to come. I didn't realize until recently that Natalie Portman was a really good actress, at age 12. I just saw Leon, which I think is called The Professional in the states. Thursday, February 10, 2005
So my friend Dave will be in town in about twenty minutes, gonna meet him at the station and go play darts I think. And Scrabble at some point. Here in Shingu the only pool tables cost about thirty dollars an hour so I never play. I have tomorrow off, going hiking on Kumano Kodo and to a "setting park" (I thought Yohko was saying "petting" park but no), apparently a place with the sunset hour specifically in mind. Such quaintness. For unknown reasons my mother collects roosters (not real ones) so she must be quite pleased this year. Having forty million things to take care of does odd things to my mind. I watched the Royal Tenenbaums to relax it the other day. That film, and Commissioner of Sewers (William S. Burroughs documentary) are the only two I have. For now I shall close with random things I have written at one time or another: Old Hanna Brown lines up three tall ones on the piano and knocks 'em back one by one, everybody cheering except Jones and the Irving sisters who wait transfixed for the notes to come crying from the old man's horn. Effects: His father was a preacher, then a lawyer. His father ran away, and the stepfather was a military man who abused accordingly.
Terry Ann plays violin, a Rumanian mime with a velvet rose by the Sacre Coeur, and a hootenanny at Monday, February 07, 2005
Have I ever mentioned the 100 yen store? It is truly amazing. Miraculously, it isn't like the 99 cent store where everything is toxic and flimsy. There is quality s%#t at the 100 yen store. I've got sooo much to do in the next four weeks. focus |
The Journal
Define and Concur, wild like cloudlight The Writer
Wooden boats, musical instruments and fireworks are some of the best inventions. And cameras. I don't believe in following any one person or set of ideas. There are tiny satiations like orchids along the viny forest floor, blooming unseen, more gorgeous than some could keep from weeping over. Whenever I see the occasional sun rise the colors always surprise me like the flavor of tahini in Holland. Subway cars make great rhythm along the tracks, as does wind in treebranches, the sound pattern of running engines, and sometimes clothes in a dryer. I like Sumerian poetry. Archives
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