Notes From Me
Monday, November 08, 2004

Notes From Me

I've been wondering if the degree of difficulty of any undertaking is in proportion to what you learn from it. My singing teacher (who is teaching me far more than honing my voice) keeps reminding me that when you cause by allowing, what you are doing happens easily. Then, I find, the analogies of my happenstance flow riverlike with my actions.
What I'm focusing on: resuming my learning of the guitar, now that I have one, and my learning of juggling, and I'm working on a painting, and planning a trip from Japan (where I have been living for almost nine months) around the lands of the earth, making my way by boat, bus, train and foot back to the states. So, if anyone will be passing through China, Thailand, Nepal, India, or Africa during March and April, or if you know of anything great in those places, let me know. And then in late April to May: Spain, France, Germany, Holland, England and Ireland. So far I'm seeing that people are far more similar than different. Is that an obviousity?

Where I live there are almost no books in English, so I read what friends give me or what I can find. Recently it's been Ursula K. LeGuin and will now be William Faulkner, Light in August.

Have you noticed while browsing blogs any themes that happen during that day's browsing? I had a God and Virginia one, and an all music, all the time one, and an America Is Like Rome/Lost Symbols of My
Childhood. An amusing detail: Joe has a chart of the states listed by average IQ (a generally untrustable test but somewhat interesting to note) in descending order, and with it, which states Kerry won in and which Bush did. If this chart is correct, Kerry won in literally all the states with the highest average IQ. It would be funnier if Bush had lost.

posted by lux at 8:45 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous commented at 11/09/2004~  

I am very inspired by your sexy artistic life. It inspires me to be like that daily.

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The Journal

Define and Concur, wild like cloudlight

The Writer

Wooden boats, musical instruments and fireworks are some of the best inventions. And cameras. I don't believe in following any one person or set of ideas. There are tiny satiations like orchids along the viny forest floor, blooming unseen, more gorgeous than some could keep from weeping over. Whenever I see the occasional sun rise the colors always surprise me like the flavor of tahini in Holland. Subway cars make great rhythm along the tracks, as does wind in treebranches, the sound pattern of running engines, and sometimes clothes in a dryer. I like Sumerian poetry.


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