Notes From Me
Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Stolen Artifact Found By Tree

Miners Refuse to Work after Death, Actor Sent to Jail for Not Finishing Sentence, Bush "Wins," More Lies Ahead. Only now, he is open about lying because his voters can't be bothered with the truth.
I was looking into volunteering in the various countries I'll be traveling through, and found that it costs hundreds, and sometimes thousands of dollars to do volunteer work. I never thought it was possible to be too poor to volunteer. But, there are possibilites of exchanging a day's work for a days' food and board. That' s more like it.
In Japan, you can't directly vote for the Prime Minister. You have to vote for representatives of parties, who then get to choose someone for the position, and that person can stay in office for an indeterminate length of time as long as the chosen person's party has the majority of representatives. Are you not so glad it doesn't work like that in the States (if you live there)?

posted by lux at 8:13 PM
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The Journal

Define and Concur, wild like cloudlight

The Writer

Wooden boats, musical instruments and fireworks are some of the best inventions. And cameras. I don't believe in following any one person or set of ideas. There are tiny satiations like orchids along the viny forest floor, blooming unseen, more gorgeous than some could keep from weeping over. Whenever I see the occasional sun rise the colors always surprise me like the flavor of tahini in Holland. Subway cars make great rhythm along the tracks, as does wind in treebranches, the sound pattern of running engines, and sometimes clothes in a dryer. I like Sumerian poetry.


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