Notes From Me
Wednesday, April 27, 2005

ego est libera

/just monkey talk

as once were my eyes but
the italian version,
the emphasis
and my night's home
a turtle backed against
a smoke shield
that japanese details
won't suit

Athens, from the Metro window aboveground on the way to the city from the airport, looked exactly like northern California, flowering mustard and all. When I walked down to the platform switching lines, an outdoor platform, to my right an arch led to the clearest sky and was overhung with some blossoming tree, plus the scent of the spring air and it felt impossibly new.

The flight from Cairo was at 2:45am. Pretty much sleepwalking onto the plane, I did not notice my journal departing from the bag I had been carrying it in. Only after arrival I found out, and the airport locaters were unable to find it. Nearly two months of daily writing, the journal a gift from my mother. A little bit I cried at the airport. Then I decided to get a new journal and have made up my mind to make it far better.

I just got to Italy by ferry. I will post photos of gorgeous Athens soon. I have left the East behind with the written record of my time there but it is not gone. Do you ever notice what could be called little signs of a thing before it happens? People around me on the night I left Egypt were all having various troubles. I helped a person from Spain write an English email informing someone that things were going badly and he was stuck in Egypt. Other things. I don't believe that simply because those around me were having problems, that it indicated something unfortunate for me, but sometimes the way occurances are combined or the way I notice them seems to indicate a marker...but I know it was entirely my doing...

The next night I dreamt I was on the horse I rode in the Sahara, galloping once more, but she was misbehaving, knocking people's food from their hands and such things because the guide was not there. "And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad..."

After Rome and Florence I shall go to The Cinque Terre, very very old and almost no tourists.

posted by lux at 7:58 AM
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Blogger kt commented at 4/28/2005~  

Ive had dreams in north carolina about SF, and in those dreams SF somehow has the Acropolis in it, and blue-domed buildings like the ones i always imagined in Athens.

Im many days to you have left in transit?

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The Journal

Define and Concur, wild like cloudlight

The Writer

Wooden boats, musical instruments and fireworks are some of the best inventions. And cameras. I don't believe in following any one person or set of ideas. There are tiny satiations like orchids along the viny forest floor, blooming unseen, more gorgeous than some could keep from weeping over. Whenever I see the occasional sun rise the colors always surprise me like the flavor of tahini in Holland. Subway cars make great rhythm along the tracks, as does wind in treebranches, the sound pattern of running engines, and sometimes clothes in a dryer. I like Sumerian poetry.


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